Kherson residents’ plans for the year and expectations for 2025. Report on the results of an online sociological survey

4 Лютого 2025

Based on sociological research conducted using the Kherson Community Online Research PanelReport on the results of an online survey based on an interactive structured questionnaire, the link to which was sent to potential respondents from the database (Kherson Community Online Research Panel).

The purpose of the study: to find out the plans and intentions of Kherson residents for 2025 and their expectations for 2025

Key Findings

  • 48% of Kherson residents are optimistic about 2025 with varying degrees of confidence, but still optimistic. There were 30% of pessimists, and another 22% indicated that they were somewhere in between optimists and pessimists. The number of those with positive expectations for 2025 is higher among women, pensioners, and those who are currently living in the Kherson community.
  • When assessing the likelihood of certain events, 47% of Kherson residents hope that 2025 will bring Ukraine’s victory in the war. At the same time, 30% do not think so. 40% of respondents think that the fighting in 2025 will end on the current contact line, 30% think it will not, and 30% found it difficult to answer this question. 39% of respondents believe it is likely that elections will be held this year, 32% – not. However, fewer respondents believe in the likelihood that in 2025 people will return to Kherson, there will be a transition to offline education, Ukraine will join the EU and NATO, and inflation will decrease – the balance in these questions is shifted towards negative answers.
  • If we talk about the family plans of Kherson residents, we can say that most of the respondents do not plan to change their lives dramatically. In 2025, 26% plan to change their housing, while 70% do not. 9% of respondents plan to have a child, 72% do not. Men are much more decisive in this matter: almost three times as many of them as women (13% compared to 5% of women). 12% of respondents plan to start a family in 2025 (the number of such is also higher among men: 15% vs. 9% of women), 66% – do not.
  • The majority of Kherson residents also do not plan to make large purchases (such as buying a house or a car). Men are also more interested in these issues: 15% intend to buy a house and 11% – a car, while women – 10% in both cases.
  • As for personal development plans, Kherson residents confidently declare their determination to switch to the Ukrainian language in 2025 (66%), take up sports (54%) and improve their health (83%), lose weight (42%), and start learning a foreign language (53%). Moreover, there were a lot of such people in all age groups, including pensioners.
  • In personal professional matters, Kherson residents were more reserved. More than half of the respondents are not going to change anything in 2025. However, 33% of respondents are going to change their job, 25% – their profession, 16% are ready to start their own business, and 32% – to become a volunteer. In all these intentions, men were more determined.
  • As for things closer to the intangible, the situation looks like this: 17% of respondents are going to pay more attention to church attendance, 20% are planning to visit a psychologist or psychotherapist (women are more interested in these two issues), 23% are going to quit smoking (men – 19%, women – 18%) and 24% are going to change their image (men – 16%, women – 30%).

The research was conducted by the Kherson Community Foundation “Zakhyst” with the support of the National Network for the Development of Local Philanthropy and GlobalGiving

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